
WThis theatrical adaptation of the novel by the same name, written by Chinese contemporary female author Eileen Chang (张爱玲), tells the stories of self-made, western-educated Shanghainese Zhenbao Tong in the late 1930s, as he struggles to choose between his social responsibilities and his sensibilities.
‘Perhaps every man has had two such women in their lives- at least two. One he called his White Rose, a wife sacred and pure; the other his Red Rose, a mistress passionate and coquettish.’
‘Red Rose, White Rose’ explores the themes of love and infidelity, lost and regrets, the conflicting duality of us as humans, as well as the social and family values of late modern China through two unique stage performance representations: firstly, the three main characters: Zhenbao Tong, White Rose and Red Rose will each be portrayed by two actors, further highlighting the underlying tension between the different facets of our inner selves; in addition, the interweaving timelines, namely in chronological order from Red Rose’s perspective and in reverse chronological order from White Rose’s perspective, are put side by side on stage, strung up together only by the man that was a significant part in both of their lives- Zhenbao Tong.

预告片 Trailer


演员阵容 Cast