The Village is the most popular Chinese play since 2009, and has been performed over 200 times in all parts of the world. It features three generations of ordinary military families after the retreat of the Republic of China to Taiwan, with an impressive timespan of 60 years from 1949-2006. The Cambridge University Chinese Drama Society is looking forward to presenting you with this magnificent play.
Driven by political instability, the honest and amiable lao zhao, moved to Taiwan with his wife and mother in law. He never knew he would spend the rest of his life here. Being the backbone of his family, his generosity and candidness makes him an important figure in the village.
Born influential and luxurious in Peiking, this young lady had her arrogance chiseled away by the bitter conditions in Taiwan. Despite imposing her dreams of escaping Taiwan and changing her destiny on her children, she eventually realized that the village is her home afterall.
In the mist of the political chaos, zhao sao's mother in law moved to the village with her daughter and lao zhao. She is the embodiment of the craving for her homeland, carried by her fine homeland cuisine. She would finally be able to pass on the love and nostalgia to generations after generations.
The reclusive yet principled flight officer is characterized by his responsibility and sense of duty. He keeps his ethics and promises, meanwhile tucking away his inner pain and struggle. Yet despite being so complex, he is only an ordinary individual, willing to make sacrifices for people around him.
Straight forward and simple minded, he is the spice of life in the village. A little salty and a little gabby, he has his own ways of educating children.
“这是什么道理?这样说的话全世界所有不见的人都在一块啦?! 孙中山和袁世凯在打麻将!希特勒在旁边倒茶?张作霖在那边点鞭炮!干脆梅兰芳直接来上一段!”跟所有平凡的妇女一样质朴善良,却拥有自己的不平凡。真诚对待身边的每一个人,勇敢且宽容。她制作包子的手艺在眷村那可是出了名儿的,却谁也不知,这是她以此纪念已故之人,用来表达爱的方式。
Kind and candid as any other ordinary woman, she has her very own peculiarity. She treats everyone with honesty, bravery, and compassion. The buns she makes are famous throughout the village, but nobody knows this is her unique way to express her love for the deceased.
A sudden change in her surroundings casted a shadow of misfortune on her life. Yet she refuses to be beaten. She endures the pain and carries on with her life. Still full of hope for the future, she has the most malleable and tough of all spirits.
Wrong time, wrong place, wrong event, altogether makes the situation unsalvageable. His trecherous life is merely a reflection of what millions of people of his era experience.
Grown up in the village, this girl has an inate thirst for the outside world. Faced with the choice to step outside the village and change her destiny, she is both fearful and fearless. She is a typical young person of that generation, and perhaps a mirror of you and me.
Like her older sister da mao, she craves to leave the village. She has times of hope, but also times of desperation. The village is her cage, but it's also her loved homeland.
“这围墙里都是假的,外面才是真的! 这边所有的人都走不出去!”赵家最小的儿子,单纯又顽劣,机灵又直率。看样子没心没肺,吊儿郎当,其实对于家人有着极强的保护欲与责任心。宝岛一村是他要努力守护的家园,他一直都坚信这一点。
The youngest son of Zhao's family, naive and playful, witty and truthful. He could appear unreliable, but in fact he would do anything to protect his family. The village is his home, and he is determined to protect it.
The oldest son of Zhu's family, he probably is the bravest one in the village. He makes the choice which could change his life and moves fowards to the unknown tomorrow. Although he grips his own destiny, he also loses valuable things.
The second son of Zhu's family, a little simple and honest, a little audacious. Under the disguise of his rebellion, he has a heart content with things as they are.
Son of ruyun,a timid and naughty child. He always makes jokes. However, behind his innocence, he bears unimaginable burden with him due to his sad story.
“但是你什么都不跟我说! 你们什么都不跟我说! 我做这些数学干什么? 一点意思都没有!”木工店的老板,一个善良又老实的本地人。他做出的东西,见证了眷村与人们的成长与变迁。宝岛一村是不可以没有他的,因为他不仅在见证,也在参与着眷村一代又一代的起落。
Owner of a carpenter shop, a kind and honest local. He witnesses the growth and changes of people in the village. He not only witnesses, but also acts as an indespensable part of the life here.
“好了! 你是讲完没? 答应人家的事就要好好做完,你管他多少!”大小辣这对姐妹,是宝岛一村最亮丽的一道风景线。她们耀眼又特别,大家既排斥她们,也忍不住被她们所吸引。这不,只要她们迎面走来,又有谁可以把自己的视线从这姐妹俩的身上移开呢?
Dala and xiaola are the most attractive girls in the village. They are shiny and special. People don't want to get in touch with them but are also attracted by them.