
简介 Introduction

知更鸟谋杀案是一部精彩的悬疑推理剧。一桩旧案,六个来客。精心策划的谋杀,陌生人间的揣摩猜忌, 都在“可怜的知更鸟”的小调中,酝酿出罪恶与悲剧。这是一部让你从头到尾都仿佛身临其境的推理剧,这是一部过程跌宕起伏,结局在意料之外又在意料之中,构思精巧的推理剧。这部剧演出进行十分成功,三天内总共吸引了来自英国各地超过三百位学生的观看。

‘The Robin Murders’ is a well-designed suspense play. One old case links the six guests who don’t even know each other together. In the small hotel full of suspicion and distrust, a strange melody sounds. The observer, hiding in the darkness, is planning his next move. Who will be the next victim? Seeds of evil have long sprouted but who knows this is a just an unexpected sad tragedy. This is a fantastic play that you will feel nervous as if you were on the scene. A great success was achieved. This play attracted over 300 students all over the UK in three days.

预告片 Trailer


导演组 Production Team

Director: WANG Lu

Assistant Director: CHEN Yuetong

图集 Gallery