这是一部会让你笑、让你叹、让你哭的话剧。2月23、24、25日,来Christ‘s Yusuf Hamied Theatre,一起见证七十年前的北平,和他那激荡人心的故事。

Wotou Courtyard was written by Liu Heng, one of the most famous scriptwriters in China. It was created to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of People's Republic of China. The most well-know show in Beijing People’s Art Theatre involves the most excellent actors in China, such as Xu Fan, Song Dandan, Yang Lixin, Pu Cunxi, and He Bing.
The story took place in Wotou Courtyard in 1948. The story happens between an exploited class of people. Everyone of them is nobody in the general background, but they still represent a picture of the era.
This drama will make you laugh and cry. Come to Christ’s Yusuf Hamied Theatre on 23, 24 and 25 Feb - you will be moved by this story.

预告片 Trailer


主题曲 Theme Song


演员阵容 Cast

剧照 Photos